Thursday, September 28, 2023

Prayer Request

  • 9/27/23: Micki: Mom passed away several weeks ago. Her brother passed away two days ago. Please keep her and her family in your prayers and she will keep her eyes on God during this time of grief.
  • 9/25/23: Greg C Suffering from cancer for 7 years. Pray for a miracle of healing. He has been told by the doctors that he has only days left. His son made this request through his Mom.
  • Continued healing for 
  • Lord, we need you!!! Please sweep across our nation and heal our land. Restore our strength, renew our minds, and banish everything that is not of you.
  • Bobby Wallace: Recovering from heart attack and surgery. Pray for a speedy recovery. His wife is asking that he be more receptive to his needed change in lifestyle for diet and exercise.Lord, we need you !!!! Please sweep across this nation and heal this land. Restore our strength, renew our minds, and banish everything that is not of You.

Praise Report

  •  Bobby: Suffered a heart attack this last weekend. Was taken into open heart surgery. He is now home recuperating. He will have to change his diet and lifestyle. Thank you, Jesus.
  • Jeremy: Applied for a job at Walmart. He is now waiting for a date to go to orientation.
  • Karen: My wife had her underwent cataract surgery for her 2nd eye. She is recovering well and enjoying her new vision of the world.
  • Johnson Family: Our HVAC died last week during the heat wave. We survived it. During that time we were able to purchase a new system and have it installed yesterday. Another customer canceled the installation in their home making it possible to get a new system without waiting until sometime in September.
We look forward to your praise reports.

Prayer Request for Kenya

Ending corruption in both government and private institutions in Kenya is a complex and ongoing challenge. Here are some key strategies that can be pursued.

1. Strengthen Anti-Corruption Laws and Enforcement: Enhance and enforce anti-corruption legislation, ensuring that those who engage in corrupt activities face severe penalties. 

2. Transparency and Accountability: Promote transparency in government and private sector operations by making information on budgets, contracts, and transactions easily accessible to the public. 

3. Encourage whistleblower protection to enable individuals to report corruption without fear of reprisals. Independent Anti-Corruption Agencies: Empower and adequately fund independent anti-corruption agencies to investigate and prosecute corruption cases without political interference.
4. Ethics and Integrity Training: Implement mandatory ethics and integrity training programs for public officials and employees of private institutions to foster a culture of integrity. 

5. Asset Recovery: Establish processes to track and recover assets acquired through corrupt means, both domestically and internationally. 

6. Political Will and Leadership: Promote strong political will at all levels of government to combat corruption, with leaders setting an example of ethical behavior. 

7. Civil Society Engagement: Encourage civil society organizations and the media to play an active role in exposing and combating corruption through investigative journalism and advocacy. 

8. Public Awareness & Education: Conduct public awareness campaigns to educate citizens about the detrimental effects of corruption and the importance of reporting corrupt activities. 
9. Streamlined Bureaucracy: Simplify government procedures and reduce red tape to minimize opportunities for corruption. 

10. International Cooperation: Collaborate with international organizations and neighboring countries to combat cross-border corruption and money laundering. 

11. Whistleblower Incentives: Provide incentives for whistleblowers, such as financial rewards or protection, to encourage reporting of corruption. 12. Business Ethics and Corporate Governance: Private sector entities should adopt strong corporate governance practices and adhere to ethical standards to prevent corruption within their organizations. 

13. Regular Audits and Oversight: Conduct regular audits of government and private sector finances to detect and deter corruption. 

14. Judicial Independence: Ensure the judiciary is independent and capable of delivering fair and timely judgments in corruption cases. 

15. Technology and Automation: Implement technology-driven solutions to reduce human interaction in government processes, minimizing opportunities for bribery. 

*Conclusion * Combating corruption is a long-term endeavor that requires sustained efforts from all sectors of society. It's important to acknowledge that eradicating corruption entirely may be challenging, but these measures can significantly reduce its prevalence and impact. Additionally, a multi-pronged approach involving collaboration between government, civil society, and the private sector is crucial for success.